Years ago, I took my girlfriend to a party and a group of women were gathered excitedly around something, so of course we went over the see what the fuss was about. One woman was sitting on some sort of sex machine. She was grinning and squirming, obviously having a super time, as her partner controlled the thing via a remote control. He gently increased the power, bit by bit. She became more and more excited, sweating and grunting, until she orgasmed in a rush. The women watching seemed a bit stunned but, after a second, one of them asked to try it. Her parter took the controls and, after a few minutes, she also built up to a shattering orgasm. My own partner was about the third or fourth, I think. Same result – a massive orgasm. A couple of women preferred to take the controls themselves; others liked their men to be in charge. All we knew was that we had to have one. It was called a “Sybian” and we loved it. However, we now have a newer version called a “Motorbunny”; this one can be controlled via an app on your smartphone, so there are all kinds of patterns you can use. You can even use it over the internet, so fun doesn’t stop if one of you is overseas…
I now take a Motorbunny to my Chardmore Society parties in Sutton, South London, where you can try it free of charge. I will gladly also take it to my parties in Hackney by request, or I will demo it in the Richmond area of West London. There are cheaper imitations online, but nothing beats the Motorbunny! You can get all kinds and all sizes of dildos and attachments; find the ones that work best for you.
Take a look at the photos and, if you have questions, email me here
If you are interested in buying your own motorbunny, contact the makers directly here